Agricultural District: Catawba County has established agricultural districts to protect and preserve agricultural lands and activities. A parcel may have a value of District or Proximity.
District: The Agricultural District program is a voluntary opportunity for farmers to have their land identified as a farming district. By having land designated as a district, the farmer lets the community know that they are actively engaged in farming and to expect the various types of activities which are associated with a farm. This program is not zoning nor is it a regulatory process. Through a voluntary agricultural district, farmers may benefit by being identified as a special district which will highlight their contributions to the community. For more information on the Voluntary Agricultural District program, you may contact Cooperative Extension at (828) 465-8240 or Planning, Parks and Development at (828) 465-8380.
Proximity: Land that is noted as being in proximity to an agricultural district is defined as any property that is within one half mile from an approved agricultural district.
Catawba County - Voluntary Agricultural Districts Map
Catawba County - Poultry and Dairy Farm Locations Map